Aphrodite was the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Think Marylin Monroe, Cleopatra, Scarlett O'Hara, and Madame Bovary all rolled into one hot, sexy, and irresistible goddess. She was born when the Titan Cronus cut off his father's penis with a sickle (ouch!) and threw it into the sea. Aphrodite then came out of the sea foam and sailed to shore on a sea shell.
Queen of Hearts
All the gods and mortals fell for Aphrodite. Zeus forced her to marry the crippled god Hephaestus, but she often cheated on him with the sexy gods Dionysus (a fun loving lady magnet and the god of wine and ecstasy) and Ares (the strong and protective god of war); she bore their children as well as the children of many other gods and mortals. Her jealous husband made a gold net and threw it over Aphrodite and Ares when they were in bed together. Then he called the other gods down from Mt. Olympus to see the pair, but they only laughed at Hephaestus's' shame. Aphrodite's greatest love was with Adonis and she had a huge fight over him with the goddess Persephone (who was married to the god of the underworld, Hades). Zeus ruled that Adonis would spend a third of his time by himself, a third with Aphrodite, and a third with Persephone.
The Golden Apple and the Trojan War
At a wedding, Eris, threw a golden apple into the room with the inscription "For the Fairest". Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena got into a fight about who was the fairest goddess and Paris, son of Priam the king of Troy, was asked to settle it. It was a tough position for a guy to be in I'm sure, but they all bribed him with gifts. Paris took Aphrodite's offer of the most beautiful mortal, Helen a Spartan beauty married to King Menalus. He gave Aphrodite the apple, called her the fairest goddess, and a war was started over the love of Paris and Helen.
With Ares:
Eros was the creator of sensual love.
Anteros punished those who didn't return the love of others.
With Hermes:
Hermaphroditus this god had two sexes.
With Dionysus:
The Charites
Hymen was the god of marriage.
Priapus was horribly ugly, representing human lust.
With the mortal Anchises:
Aeneas was the founder of Italy and ancestor of the Roman people.
Tip of the Day: Pay attention to your posture. You look more elegant, not to mention skinny when you walk with your shoulders back and your head held high.
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